Tuesday, June 28, 2011

A Note From The Editor

Judy’s Word

"At a young age I developed a love of reading and later research from my Dad, Ed Baker. One of my favorite childhood memories is of making trips to the Downtown Ft. Worth Library to check out books with my Dad.

He instilled the love of research by never ‘giving’ me answers to my questions but always instructing me to ‘look it up!’ I’m sure the first time or two I was probably a little irritated by that answer but it quickly became a habit to want to ‘look up’ anything I didn’t know.

In his retirement years my Dad got very involved in researching his family’s genealogy. At the time my husband’s mother didn’t have much recorded genealogy that I was aware of, so I caught the genealogy ‘bug’ and began researching, many times going along with my parents to various libraries and county genealogy centers with a very young Jennifer tagging along.

When my husband Bob’s Nethery branch of his maternal grand-mother’s family began having reunions around eight years ago, I volunteered to publish a family newsletter in order to share family history among its members.

Now the next chapter is here with this blog which will get the newsletter out electronically, saving print & postage costs which continue to rise.
I want to thank Jennifer for suggesting this option & making it possible as my ‘tech expert.’


The Techie's Musings

I will take the compliment 'tech expert' but you should know this is describing the gal who failed her college Computer class.
Nevertheless, I'll be the one posting all future articles written by Judy, myself and other members of the family.
Rather than posting the entire Spring/Summer Newsletter at once here we'll be showing you one article a week instead.
So hope you enjoy!
And if there's any other family reading this who happen to be descended from Charles Alexander Nethery and Amanda Speights Nethery and would like to contribute, please let us know!

Jenn :)

1 comment:

  1. Judy and Jennifer: This is fantastic! I think more of our kinfolks will be reached via this blog. ~Donna
